Saturday, November 28, 2020

Shepherd's pie (ish)

Making do because I had no peas and no carrots and just 3 old potatoes. But I had lamb stew meat (a little over 2lbs I think). Some lovely baby bella mushrooms, garlic, olive oil, onions, celery, fresh herbs, and some red wine. Oh, and Bisquick (it is handy sometimes). 
And a nice enameled roasting pan with lid  (actually the cheap kind I got at Walmart for a cooking emergency once)
Saute a couple of minced garlic cloves in olive oil. I singed them again but decided that would work. Throw is a few handfuls of chopped celery and the lamb on medium. Once the lamb was browned I added ~8 cloves garlic, some more celery, half a large onion (in big chunks), those 3 potatoes cubed and then the mushrooms just cut in halves. I tied a bunch of fresh oregano, rosemary, thyme and sage up and put that in (mostly rosemary). Then wine (1/2 cup?) And enough water to come 1/2 way up and some salt. I let that come to a boil then turn it down and put the lid on and left it to simmer for a couple of hours. I added more red wine and water as needed to keep the liquid up. I stirred it every now and then. 
When all ingredients were tender I made basic bisquick (yes, a cheat) for about 12 biscuits and patted handfuls to about 3/4 inch thick and covered the stew. Baked at 400 until top turning "golden brown". It needed a little more salt at the table which is how I like things. 
Served with a nice spring salad. 
Eat outside wearing wool. (From same farm)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

cooking tip

If you burn the garlic throw it out and start over. Trust me. It's got to go. We ate the mussels anyway but with sadness.

cheese sauce

Cheese sauce like grandma made: butter a few tbsp s, and some way to sprinkle in flour. Medium sauce pan, white wine, milk and all the extra sharp cheddar you can get a 15yr old to grate. And curry. 
Melt butter. Sprinkle in flour, whisk over medium heat. Keep whisking, add wine, add more flour, maybe more wine, maybe some milk, then the grated cheese keep whisking. Lower temp so nothing sizzles. Add a few punched of curry - a light touch. For extra creamy add some dollops of cream cheese. Keep whisking. Pour over any steamed veggies, cauliflower rice and cold salmon left over in the refrigerator. Especially the leftover salmon.